The William Blake Blog

Opposition is True Friendship: Christopher Hitchens and William Blake
Deepak Chopra once argued that Christopher Hitchens, one of the
Blakesy: Branding and Crafting Blake Online
William Blake has an obvious appeal for subcultures who consume
Mike Carey’s Unwritten Blake
As I argued in the introduction to the collection "William
Blakean Trees in Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist (2009)
Lars Von Trier's Antichrist (2009) is shocking, depressing, a
Helen P. Bruder and Tristanne Connolly (ed.) — Queer Blake
Queer Blake. Helen P. Bruder and Tristanne Connolly. Palgrave, 2010.
The Rebirth of AEthelred Eldridge
AEthelred Eldridge has recently uploaded numerous images of his work
Ten Influential Books on Blake
I'm sure Jason Whittaker has already posted a similar article,
Korshi Dosoo’s Tyger
Edinburgh-born artist Korshi Dosoo is primarily interested in the emotions