The William Blake Blog

William Blake – Visionary
The Catalogue for the latest Blake exhibition at the J. Paul Getty museum is a beautiful and erudite contribution to Blake's art.
A Blakean Year: 2022
As we emerged out of lockdowns in 2022, so the year turned out to be an active one for Blake in the arts.
Global Blake: Tatiana Tiutvionova
In this presentation on the influence of Blake in Russia, Tatiana Tiutvionova focuses on how Blake has informed Russian painters and graphic artists.
A Blakean Year: 2021 in Review
A review of Blakespotting for 2021.
Blake Bites: The Ancient of Days
The Ancient of Days is Blake's most iconic image - but who is actually depicted in his colour print?
A Moving Illustration of William Blake’s Mythology
Leslie Wilber presents an extraordinary visual response to Blake's mythology of the Four Zoas.
Review: Naomi Billingsley – The Visionary Art of William Blake
While Blake’s visual art tends to be studied less than his poetry, this book by Naomi Billingsley provides valuable insights into his religious art.
Blakespotting: My Pretty Rose Tree – Jason Franks and Luke Pickett
"My Pretty Rose Tree" is a short, four page comic
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